This work has been submitted to Morgan Kaufmann Publishers for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This file is copyright 2004 Mark Jason Dominus. Unauthorized distribution in any medium is absolutely forbidden. ---------------------------------------------------------------- H I G H E R O R D E R P E R L TUTORIAL INTRODUCTION 'Linogram' is a system for specifying and drawing diagrams. It is explained in detail in chapter 9 of _Higher-Order Perl_, by Mark Jason Dominus. See '' for complete details. A 'linogram' program is a file, or a series of files, that define the shapes that are to be drawn and their relationships to one another. Each object to be drawn is called a _feature_ and is an instance of a _type_. The type has the definition of what the feature looks like and how it behaves. Initially, 'linogram' knows only one type, called 'number', which is simply a number. Other types are built from this. For example, a point has an `x' and a `y' coordinate, so its definition is simply define point { number x, y; } A line is determined by two points, called the 'start' And the 'end', so it could be defined like this: define line { point start, end; } But in fact the definition in 'linogram''s standard library is a little more interesting: define line { point start, end, center; constraints { center = (start + end)/2; } } This says that a line has three named points, and that the center point is halfway between the start and the end points. 'Linogram' can use this definition to compute the center if it knows the start or the end point, or it can compute the start if all it knows is the center and the end. Any two of the points determine the third. How do we include a line in a diagram? The input file that you give to 'linogram' defines a type, called the "root type". The definition of the root type is just like any other type, except that you omit the "define ... {" at the beginning. So you can say line base, side1, side2; and your diagram will contain three lines. You can constrain the positions of the lines and get a triangle: side1.start = side2.start; base.start = side1.end; base.end = side2.end; Since 'side1', 'side2', and 'base' are lines, each has a start, and end, and a center point already defined. The center of the base is a point called ''. And since points are defined as having x and y coordinates, we can refer to the coordinates of the center of the base as '' and ''. We could force the center of the base to be located in a certain place by putting in a constraint: = 3; = 4; which we may abbreviate to = (3, 4); The '(3, 4)' is called a _tuple_. 'linogram' uses tuples to represent locations and displacements. We can constrain the base of the triangle to be horizontal: base.start.y = base.end.y; We can also constrain the triangle to be isosceles by requiring the intersection of 'side1' and 'side2' to be located directly above the midpoint of the base: side1.start.x =; We don't have to mention 'side2' here because 'linogram' already knows that `side2.start.x' = `side1.start.x'. We could put that constraint in, if we wanted, but 'linogram' would recognize that it was redundant, and ignore it. Similarly, once we've said that base.start.y = base.end.y; we don't have to explicitly require that base.start.y =; 'linogram' knows from the definition of 'line' that center.y = (start.y + end.y)/2; for all lines, including 'base', and so if `start.y' is the same as `end.y', it can figure out that 'center.y' is the same also. If we're going to have a lot of triangles of this sort, it makes sense to wrap all this up in our own type definition: define triangle { line base, side1, side2; constraints { side1.start = side2.start; base.start = side1.end; base.end = side2.end; base.start.y = base.end.y; side1.start.x =; } } Now we can say triangle T1, T2; to make two triangles, each with its own 'side1', 'side2', and 'base'. Each triangle contains three sides, each of which has two points, each of which has two coordinates, so the triangle is ultimately defined by 12 numbers: The x and y coordinates of the apex The x and y coordinates of the lower left vertex The x and y coordinates of the lower right vertex The x and y coordinates of the middle of the left side The x and y coordinates of the middle of the right side The x and y coordinates of the middle of the base But not all the numbers are required, because the constraints relate the numbers to each other. In fact, only 4 numbers are required to define the location of one of these triangles: you need the `y' coordinate of the apex, the two `x' coordinates of the two base vertices, and the single shared `y' coordinate of the two base vertices. From these, 'linogram' will figure everything else out. T1.base.start = (5,3) T1.base.end = (9,3) T1.side1.start = (7,5) Here we specified six numbers, but two of them are redundant. Once 'linogram' knows that `T1.base.start.y' is 3, it will figure out that `T1.base.end.y' is also 3 without our having to say so; if the y-coordinates in the first two lines didn't match, 'linogram' would complain that we were violating a constraint. And we said explicitly that `T1.side1.start.x' is 7, but 'linogram' can figure that out too. It knows that = (T1.base.start.x + T1.base.start.y)/2 = (5 + 9)/2 = 7, and it also knows that T1.side1.start.x =, so is also 7. Again, it doesn't matter that we gave 'linogram' this redundant information, but it will check it for us. Having to say 'T1.side1.start' to locate the apex is a little annoying. We can easily add an alias to the triangle: define triangle { line base, side1, side2; * point apex; constraints { * apex = side1.start = side2.start; base.start = side1.end; base.end = side2.end; base.start.y = base.end.y; * apex.x =; } } Now instead of saying T1.side1.start = (7,1) we can say T1.apex = (7,1) and since 'apex' is defined to be equal to 'side1.start', these are equivalent. We can also add aliases for the length of the base and the altitude of the triangle if we think that will be convenient: define triangle { line base, side1, side2; * number wd, ht; point apex; constraints { apex = side1.start = side2.start; base.start = side1.end; base.end = side2.end; base.start.y = base.end.y; * ht = apex.y -; * wd = base.end.x - base.start.x; apex.x =; } } and now we can define a particular triangle: triangle T1; constraints { = (7, 3); T1.wd = 4; = 2; } and we have a triangle whose base is at (7, 3) with a width of 4 and a height of 2; 'linogram' figures out where everything else goes. One final abbreviation might be convenient. We can define a reference point in the triangle and use it to specify the location of the triangle itself instead of the location of the center of the triangle's base. We might put the reference point in the middle of the triangle, or at the apex, or in the middle of the base, or wherever seems convenient: define triangle { line base, side1, side2; number wd, ht; * point loc; * number x, y; point apex; constraints { apex = side1.start = side2.start; base.start = side1.end; base.end = side2.end; base.start.y = base.end.y; ht = apex.y -; wd = base.end.x - base.start.x; apex.x =; * (x, y) = loc =; } } Here I've put the reference point in the middle of the base. Now instead of locating '' explicitly, we can just locate 'T1.loc', and we can also ask about 'T1.x' and 'T1.y' to get the coordinates of this reference point. There's also a shorthand notation for this: triangle T1; constraints { T1.loc = (7, 3); T1.wd = 4; = 2; } If you prefer, you can write it like this: triangle T1(wd=4, ht=2, loc=(7,3)); which might look nicer. Now maybe we want two triangles connected by an arrow: triangle T1(wd=4, ht=2, loc=(7,3)), T2; arrow a(start =, end =; constraints { T2 = T1 + (3, 0); } arrows are just like lines---they have a start and an end point---except they're drawn with arrowheads at the end point. Here we've required that the arrow `a' goes from the right side of `T1' to the left side of `T2'. And `T1' is clearly located. But where is `T2'? And how big is it? The constraints say that triangle `T2' is exactly the same size and shape as `T1', but three units due east. If we had written T2 = T1 + (3, 1) it would have been three units east and one unit north. If we change the 0 to a 1 in this way, we don't have to worry about the fact that the arrow, which used to be horizontal, is now diagonal. The arrow is constrained to go from one triangle to the other, and 'linogram' will figure out what it must look like in order for that to be true, and draw it properly. Suppose we're going to draw a diagram that talks about process management, and each triangle represents a process. We'll have lot of these four-by-two triangles. It would get annoying to ask for a lot of triangles that all have 'wd=4' and 'ht=2'. We should make a new type with a logical name: define process extends triangle { point start, end; constraints { wd = 4; ht = 2; start =; end =; } } This defines a new type that has all the same numbers, lines, and points that a triangle has, and all the same constraints, and some additional ones as well. In particular, `wd' and `ht' have been constrained to be 4 and 2, so every "process" is a triangle of a specific size. Now instead of this: triangle T1(wd=4, ht=2, loc=(7,3)), T2; arrow a(start =, end =; constraints { T2 = T1 + (3, 0); } we can write this: process P1(loc=(7,3)), P2; arrow a(start = P1.end, end = P1.start); constraints { P2 = P1 + (3, 0); } Or we could have a whole string of processes: number xspc = 0.75; process P1(loc=(0,0)), P2 = P1 + (xspc, 0), P3 = P2 + (xspc, 0), P4 = P3 + (xspc * 1.5, 0), P5 = P4 + (xspc, xspc * -0.25); arrow a12(start=P1.end, end=P2.start), a23(start=P2.end, end=P3.start), a34(start=P3.end, end=P4.start), a45(start=P4.end, end=P5.start); If an assembly like this is going to be common, we could define a new type to represent it; the type would include five processes and four arrows. A later version of 'linogram' will make it easier to define types that contain long sequences of objects like this one does. Suppose now that you have drawn a large, complex diagram that involves a large number of 'process' objects, and that 'process' was defined like this: require "box"; define process extends box { } That is, you've defined your 'process' object to be nothing more than a box. Suppose that you suddenly decide that you want to see what the diagram will look like if all the process boxes are triangles instead. No problem, it's easy. Just replace the definition of 'process': define process { triangle T; point n = T.apex, s =, e =, w =, nw = (n+w)/2, sw = base.start, ne = (n+e)/2, se = base.end, c = (n + s) / 2; number wd = T.wd, ht = T.wd; hline top, bottom; vline left, right; constraints { } draw { T; } } LANGUAGE REFERENCE * '*'_foo_ means zero or more instances of _foo_ * '+'_foo_ means one or more instances of _foo_ * '?'_foo_ means zero or one instances of _foo_ * '' means that "foo" must appear literally program = *declaration perl_code declaration = require | definition | feature | draw_section | constraint_section require = string <;> definition = name ?( name) <{> *declaration <}> feature = ? type declarator *(<,> declarator) <;> declarator = name ?( <(> param-spec *(<,> param-spec) <)> ) ?( <=> expression ) param-spec = cname <=> expression draw_section = <{> *drawable <}> drawable = <&> name | cname type = C | C | name cname = name | cname <.> name constraint_section = <{> *constraint <}> constraint = expression +(<=> expression) expression = term + expression | term - expression term = atom * expression | atom / expression atom = funcall | name | tuple | number | <(> expression <)> funcall = name <(> expression <)> tuple = <(> expression <,> expression *(<,> expression) <)> perl_code = <__END__\n> (any perl code) LANGUAGE REFERENCE The basic 'linogram' object is called a _feature_. A feature contains some instructions about how it should be drawn, a list of subfeatures that it contains, their names, and a list of constraints on the subfeatures. A 'linogram' file is a essentially a definition of a single feature called the "root feature". The subfeatures of the root feature are the boxes and arrows that make it up. You tell 'linogram' what boxes and arrows are included in the root feature, and how they are related to one another, just as you would tel it about any other type, such as the triangles in the tutorial. There are just a few things that can appear in a definition: * 'require' declarations A declaration like require "foo"; tells 'linogram' to pause what it is doing, locate 'foo.lino' somewhere, and read it in. Then it picks up where it left off. Often, 'foo' will be a standard 'linogram' library file. For example, 'linogram' has a standard definition of a 'box' that you can load in by saying require "box"; after which you may declare features to have type 'box': box a, b; But you can also require a file that contains definitions that you wrote yourself. * Constraint declarations A constraint declaration looks like this: constraint { equations... equations... equations... } An equation is a pair of arithmetic expressions, separated with an equal sign, such as: T1.start.x = 12; or: start + end = 2 * center; As a convenience, an equation may have more than one equal sign; something like this: a = b = c = d; is interpreted as shorthand for this: a = b; a = c; a = d; The important thing to know is that equations _must_ be linear. No multiplication or division may involve more than one feature. * type definitions * constraint and drawable declarations * "require" declarations * perl code Type definitions are just more collections of RUNNING 'LINOGRAM' STANDARD FEATURE DEFINITIONS * 1. POINTS * 2. LINES line, hline, vline, arrow * 3. LABELS A label is a location (that is, a point) with which a string is associated. The 'label' object has the following parameters: * 'text' (mandatory): the text that is displayed * 'font': Defaults to 'times' * 'size': Defaults to 10 * 4. BOXES ** 4.1. BOX A box is a rectangle, with its edges oriented parallel to the axes. The edges are named 'top', 'bottom', 'left', and 'right'. 'top' and 'bottom' are 'hline's; 'left' and 'right' are 'vline's The four vertices of the box are 'point's named 'nw', 'ne', 'sw', and 'se'. The midpoints of the four sides are 'n', 's', 'w', and 'e'. The center of the box is a point named 'c'. The height and width of the box are 'ht' and 'wd', respectively. ** 4.2. LABELBOX A 'labelbox' is the same as a 'box', except that it has a 'label' in the middle. The 'label''s 'text' parameter is exported as 'text', but the others, such as 'font', must be accessed as 'label.font', etc. ** 4.3. ELLIPSE An 'ellipse' is similar to a box, except that it's elliptical. The 'ht' and 'wd' variables are the lengths of the major and minor axes of the ellipse, which are always vertical and horizontal. The 'ellipse' has 'n', 'nw', etc., but no 'top', 'bottom', 'left', or 'right'. ** 4.4. OVAL An 'oval' is like a 'box', except that the corners may be rounded off. The radius of curvature of the rounded corners is 'rad'. STANDARD DRAWING LIBRARIES * 1. POSTSCRIPT OUTPUT * 2. BITMAP OUTPUT * 3. ASCII-ART OUTPUT IMPLEMENTING DRAWING LIBRARIES ---------------------------------------------------------------- define TYPE { subpart name, name, name...; subpart name(v=EXPR, ...); constraints { EXPR = EXPR = EXPR ... ; } draw { &perl_function; subpart; subpart; } } require "file";